"U.S. Representative Paul (R-Texas) is running for the Republican presidential nomination on a platform of restoring the country to the values of the Constitution and founding fathers. Specifically, he wants to pull troops out of Iraq, repeal the income tax, abolish the Federal Reserve and put America back on the gold standard.
James Sugra posted an online video proposing a big day of fund-raising for Paul, and Trevor Lyman separately created a site that featured the video.
Dia 16 de Novembro há mais, juntem-se para a tea party 2007:
On December 16th, 1773, American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an oppressive tax. This December 16th, American citizens will dump millions of dollars into the Ron Paul presidential campaign to protest the oppressive and unconstitutional inflation tax - which has enabled a flawed foreign policy, a costly war and the sacrificing of our liberties here at home.
Para mais, há sempre o blog de apoio português a Ron Paul: Portugal for Ron Paul. Boas leituras.